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4" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter

4" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter

Item #: 6840
Category: Tetherball
Your Price: $107.95

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4" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter allows a 2 3/8" O.D. tetherball system to be placed into a 4" ground sleeve. 1 Year Warranty.There is no actual image of this item. The image shown is representative only. The actual item will be the sleeve adapter only.

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4" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter

4" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter

Retail price: $107.95
Your price: $107.95

4" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter allows a 2 3/8" O.D. tetherball system to be placed into a 4" ground sleeve. 1 Year Warranty.There is no actual image of this item. The image shown is representative only. The actual item will be the sleeve adapter only.
3" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter

3" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter

Retail price: $107.95
Your price: $107.95

Tetherball Sleeve Adapter allows for 2 3/8" O.D. tetherball system to be placed into a 3" ground sleeve. 1 Year Warranty.There is no actual image of this item. The image shown is representative only. The actual item will be the sleeve adapter only.
3 1/2" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter

3 1/2" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter

Retail price: $107.95
Your price: $107.95

3 1/2" Tetherball Sleeve Adapter allows for a 2 3/8" O.D. tetherball system to be placed into a 3 1/2" ground sleeve. 1 Year Warranty.There is no actual image of this item. The image shown is representative only. The actual item will be the sleeve adapter only.