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Seca 216 "Accu-Hite" Measuring Device

Seca 216 "Accu-Hite" Measuring Device

Item #: 216
Category: Miscellaneous
Your Price: $136.92

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The Seca 216 Accu-Hite Measuring Device features a built-in leveling bubble and handsome design. The Seca 216 has long been the stadiometer of choice. The headpiece of the Seca 216 Accu-Hite comes with a lock knob for measurement accuracy and safety. For convenience, measurement readings on the Seca 216 measuring device can also be taken in feet and inches.To view the replacement head piece for this item please click here.

You found Seca 216 "Accu-Hite" Measuring Device in category Exercise/Wellness and subcategory Sports Medicine. If you need to buy more Sports Medicine than you are on the righ place.
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