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MMA Heavy Bag and Speed Bag Platform from Century

MMA Heavy Bag and Speed Bag Platform from Century

Item #: 108708
Category: Heavy Bags
Your Price: $169.08

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This Heavy Bag and Speed Bag Platform is a dual purpose space saver unit! It features a speed bag platform on one side and space to hang a heavy bag on the other.Constructed of 3" tubular steel with three weight pegs for stabilitySpeed bag platform vertically adjusts from 67" to 79" with two locking pins and includes a ball-bearing swivel for fast bag actionHeavy bag, speed bag and weights NOT includedTo view all available Heavy Bags from Century please click here.To view all available Speed Bags from Century please click here.

You found MMA Heavy Bag and Speed Bag Platform from Century in category Boxing and subcategory Boxing. If you need to buy more Boxing than you are on the righ place.
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