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EZ-Up™ Gravity Boots with Bonus Adapter Kit (CV Bar and Gravity Boots)

EZ-Up™ Gravity Boots with Bonus Adapter Kit (CV Bar and Gravity Boots)

Item #: B11032
Category: Other Sports D-I -> Gym Sports
Your Price: $109.00

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This Adapter Kit includes Gravity Boots and a Conversion Bar to convert your inversion table. Compatible with EP-550, EP-560, EP-860, NXT-S and IA7 inversion tables and the Teeter Hang Ups Inversion Racks and Bars. Gravity Boots feature: Dual, self-locking ratchet buckles which provide a unique double-lock system for security Super-soft 5/8" foam liners provide maximum comfort with minimum compression A flexible shell made of light, highly durable DuPontTM HytrelTM material ensure a comfortable fit Removable calf loops that place a 2 degree bend in the knees to help reduce the load on knee joints and the top of the foot Strong, durable materials. Hooks and calf loops are made of 40% glass nylon alloy, creating a stronger product

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