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JUGS BULLDOG™ Optic Game-Ball Yellow Softballs - One Dozen

JUGS BULLDOG™ Optic Game-Ball Yellow Softballs - One Dozen

Item #: B7010
Category: Other Sports P-S -> Softball
Your Price: $16.42

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Accept no substitutes. Only JUGS Practice Balls come with the JUGS name on them. Great for close-range batting practiceSafe for indoor or outdoor useThe first JUGS product, a curveball pitching machine, has developed into one of the most revolutionary training aids for all phases of the game of baseball. Other JUGS products which have spun off of this original concept are causing just as much excitement in their respective areas. Throughout the research and development of every JUGS product, John Paulson's methodology remained consistent - observe how athletes practice their respective sport, then develop machinery that would help these athletes improve to their highest possible level. Now, teams in seven other sports are enjoying better practices because of JUGS products. Besides baseball, there are now JUGS machines for softball, football, soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, tennis, and even the British Commonwealth's national sport - cricket!Today, over 85,000 teams use a JUGS machine at their practices. In fact, the most widely used pitching machines in the world are made by JUGS.

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