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Cando 1.5 lb. Weight Bar (Tan Stripe)

Cando 1.5 lb. Weight Bar (Tan Stripe)

Item #: 10-1601
Category: Miscellaneous
Your Price: $17.84

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The easy-to-grip Cando exercise weight bars come in weights ranging from 1 pound to 25 pounds. Cando bars are used in the supine, sitting or standing position to increase strength and ROM. Also use to improve endurance, balance and motor skills. The Cando exercise weight bar is perfect for use in therapy, fitness, aerobics, yoga and pilates. Comes standard with the following new features: Anti-roll end cap to prevent Wate bar from rolling around and becoming a safety hazard. Hangar end cap (bars up to 10 lbs.) for the most space effective storage, hanging on a hook rack! 3 foot long bars for all weights up to 10 pounds, 4 foot long bars for all weights 10 to 25 lbs. Cando weight bars are now color-coded to make it easier than ever to identify the correct weight for you.

You found Cando 1.5 lb. Weight Bar (Tan Stripe) in category Body Building/Fitness and subcategory Exercise/Fitness. If you need to buy more Exercise/Fitness than you are on the righ place.
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