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Cando 18" Exercise Ball with Feet - Yellow

Cando 18" Exercise Ball with Feet - Yellow

Item #: 30-1891
Category: Miscellaneous
Your Price: $16.50

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Unique inflatable ball has stabilizing "feet" that keep the ball from rolling when not in use. When in use the weight of the person makes the "feet" retract into the ball so it can function like any other inflatable exercise ball. Non-slip surface is ribbed for extra security. "Under" inflate to give a soft, mushy feel or "over" inflate for a firm, bouncy feel. Ball can support up to 300 pounds. Comes in a poly bag.

You found Cando 18" Exercise Ball with Feet - Yellow in category Body Building/Fitness and subcategory Exercise/Fitness. If you need to buy more Exercise/Fitness than you are on the righ place.
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