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Amrex® US / HVG50D Ultrasound Combo Unit with Small Head

Amrex® US / HVG50D Ultrasound Combo Unit with Small Head

Item #: 13-3160
Category: Miscellaneous
Your Price: $4,659.38

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This unit has 20 watts of power with pulsed or continuous outputDual channel HV with reciprocal and ramped surgeLV galvanic with continuous variable surge and reverse polarity5 cm head

You found Amrex® US / HVG50D Ultrasound Combo Unit with Small Head in category Exercise/Wellness and subcategory Sports Medicine. If you need to buy more Sports Medicine than you are on the righ place.
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1 cm / 3 MHz Sound Head Applicator for the Mettler® Sonicator® 740 Ultrasound Unit

1 cm / 3 MHz Sound Head Applicator for the Mettler® Sonicator® 740 Ultrasound Unit

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Pro Ice Ice Pack Insert (for use with the Adult Shoulder / Elbow Cold Therapy Wrap)

Pro Ice Ice Pack Insert (for use with the Adult Shoulder / Elbow Cold Therapy Wrap)

Retail price: $19.95
Your price: $19.95

Extend shoulder pain relief with an additional Ice Pack Insert for the Pro Ice Adult Shoulder / Elbow Wrap. Additional inserts lengthen the cold therapy available, making it especially beneficial for athletes who need ice between games in a tournament or for physical therapy rehab. This insert also can replace a punctured, damaged or lost insert, without the need to buy the entire wrap, making Pro Ice a cost-effective solution, especially when compared to cold compresses.PLEASE NOTE THIS IS AN ICE PACK INSERT (see highlighted red portion of image). THE ACTUAL WRAP IS NOT INCLUDED.Pro Ice holds constant at 27 degrees, until it is liquid, up to an hour when applied, offering superior icing when compared to a gel ice pack. Whether the reusable ice pack comes out of a freezer or the Pro Ice Cooler Bag, it is ready for after a game or practice. This guarantees both full therapeutic and anesthetic value, under the widest variety of real-life conditions. Additional inserts can lengthen the icing time. Pair with the cooler bag for the ultimate in portable pain relief. Pro Ice was created in 1991 with athletes in mind, but now delivers non-toxic pain relief to anyone who hurts or who ices for preventative care. Each component of the Pro Ice Cold Therapy Products has been designed with the ultimate sports medicine care while contributing to the goal of optimal icing. The cover is made of Veltex, a patented, insulated loop fabric that will not fray. It directs the cold, limits condensation and lasts. The cryoblanket ice insert fluid is FDA-approved, food-grade and nontoxic. The proprietary mix melts slower than 100% water products and ice, rendering it ideal for remote usage. The windowpane format does not slump or thin, whether applied vertically or horizontally, even under compression, giving uniform distribution of cold. Elastic compression straps keep the wrap in place allowing variable compression where needed for personalized comfort and pinpoint application on trouble spots, while allowing the user to remain mobile and still ice. Pro Ice Cold Therapy Products are ready wherever and whenever needed.
Intelect Legend XT 4-Channel Muscle Stimulator / Ultrasound Combo Unit

Intelect Legend XT 4-Channel Muscle Stimulator / Ultrasound Combo Unit

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Your price: $4199.95

The standard stimulation unit offers 6 clinical waveforms including: interferential, Russian, biphasic, high volt, microcurrent, and premodulated. Comes standard with 5 cm2 (1 and 3.33 MHz) applicator and 1 bottle of 9 oz. conductor gel.
2" x 33 1/2 yd. Body Sport® Physio Tape Clinical Roll

2" x 33 1/2 yd. Body Sport® Physio Tape Clinical Roll

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PLEASE NOTE: THIS ITEM CANNOT SHIP VIA 3-DAY DELIVERY.Provides support while sustaining full range of motionUsed to tape over and around musclesCan be worn for several days per applicationHelps correct muscle function, improves circulation, relieves pain and repositions subluxed jointsWater resistant and latex-freeNatural, 2" x 33-1/2 yd.Roll