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Cando 14" Low Powder Black Hand Exercise Web (X-Heavy)

Cando 14" Low Powder Black Hand Exercise Web (X-Heavy)

Item #: 10-0855
Category: Miscellaneous
Your Price: $25.86

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Cando hand therapy exercise web for flexion, extension, opposition and supination exercises. Resistance may be modified by adjusting the hand position, depth of finger insertion, or by moving to a different resistance (color) web. The Cando exercise web is available in both the standard 14 inch diameter size and the small 7 inch diameter size in both low-powder and no-latex formulations. Two special multi-resistance webs are available in only the 14 inch diameter low-powder formulation.

You found Cando 14" Low Powder Black Hand Exercise Web (X-Heavy) in category Body Building/Fitness and subcategory Exercise/Fitness. If you need to buy more Exercise/Fitness than you are on the righ place.
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