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Cando 4' Yellow Exercise Bungee Cord - X-Light

Cando 4' Yellow Exercise Bungee Cord - X-Light

Item #: 10-5811
Category: Miscellaneous
Your Price: $17.60

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Color-coded bungee cords can be used for both upper and lower body exercises. Cords have a snap hook on one end to attach to the D-ring handles, straps or mounts. A multi-fitted color-coded webbing loop AND nub is on the other end. Grip the loop, use as a foot stirrup, or place the nub in a door jamb. The Cando bungee system is versatile! All Cando exercise products are CE certified.There is no actual image of this item. The image shown is representative only. The actual item will be yellow.

You found Cando 4' Yellow Exercise Bungee Cord - X-Light in category Body Building/Fitness and subcategory Exercise/Fitness. If you need to buy more Exercise/Fitness than you are on the righ place.
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